Poker Tournament - March
Since August, I've been playing in a monthly Texas Hold-em tournament. It is $25 entry and the top 4 get a payout. The top 9 that make the final table each month earn Player of the Year points based on how they finish (usually about 30 guys play each month).
This month, I made the final table without too much drama. I tend to play a pretty tight game letting others take the early low value pots. My best hand of the night came when there about 15 guys left in the tournament fighting for the final table (7 at our table). I've got pocket Q-Q. The small stack went all in and three of us called. The flop produced K-Q-x. Two more people went all in and I called. There were three separate pots since each had a different chip count. My queens held on and I was able to knock out 3 guys in one hand, not to mention bolster my chip count substantially.
Troy and I were both playing at the same table this month and both advanced to the final table (fulfilling Daryl's prophecy that we would both make it this month). Once at the final table, I was about middle of the pack in chip count - about $10000 (we start with $2500). However, I wasn't able to make it last due to getting drawn into a hand I couldn't get away from. I was in the big blind for $2000. The first guy to my left called, everyone folded around to the short stack who called.

This month I've been reading (finshed reading) Mike Caro's book on poker. It had some very good advise and allowed me to formulate a strategy. So far it has worked well. I won 2nd place and $50 at a game two weeks ago (just one table, 10 guys) and did well this last week.

I'm now starting to read "Super System" and try and improve my game some more. We'll see how it goes. I have a tournament on April 1 with 40 guys, $1000 top prize, and the top 10 get a payout.